Perfect Product Launch Event: Hacks for a Good Start!

Young entrepreneurs, event managers, planners, gather around. Do you know what the best way to showcase your new business, its products and services is? Yes, we are talking about a good product launch event. It doesn’t matter whether you’re pushing a fashion product, cosmetics product or footwear, you need a good launch event. That’s the first step towards recognition. So, let’s take a look at few hacks that will start things off on a good note.

Be realistic with your goals

Even the experienced pros know that they always have to be realistic with their goals and expectations. So, set your goals and then do everything to achieve them. Inviting the right crowd is absolutely essential here because you want to be diverse and you want people to be interested in what you have to offer. Always aim at folks from your industry. That’s the only way to attract the right clientele. Also, diversity was mentioned, remember that you should never exclude people on the account of their gender or something similar. Just because you want to push a new deodorant or mascara doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t invite male journalists of the industry.

The right venue

In the world of business, it’s really important to be original and unique. That’s why your launch event or party needs to be unique. The emphasis stays on your product/service but nevertheless you need a great venue for a great event. That’s also an important part of marketing. If you want to showcase a new line of coats or lingerie, see if you could find a venue that has previously been used for fashion shows and similar kinds of events. Also, be careful not to select a venue that is too far away from everyone. Your guests don’t want to spend hours in traffic only to reach your location.

Original but on-brand

This is extremely important since it revolves around your audience. You have to ensure that your event will be an event for them. Even though you have to be creative and unique, you cannot run off on a tangent with the content. For example, if you want to show off your new perfume, you cannot be cheap on luxury and fancy canapés. Also, your venue has to be elegant and themed according to the occasion. Never forget that you have to find that sweet spot between uniqueness and your brand. Never do what everyone else does but still only do things that make sense for your company. No matter how big your company is. Even if you’re just an influencer trying to push your new clothing brand. Inject your personality but keep yourself on the track. It’s your brand that’s most important here.


Every event needs to be interesting. Even though it mainly needs to be informative and beneficial for the company, you have to incorporate entertainment. Making it fun only adds to the feeling of uniqueness and that’s what you want for your original launch event. Take advantage of your venue’s amenities. For example, if there’s a dance floor, start your event off with some dancing. If you have the budget, hire a comedian or bring over influencers from your industry. People need to have fun. That’s really important. They won’t forget you after that.

Social media and why you need to use it

Market the hell out of your launch event. Use apps and platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook Events, etc. When the event starts, make sure that you can cover it online. Even if it’s just a live video on Facebook or Instagram. Have a marketing strategy of some kind that involves social media. Be present online and your business will flourish. The more people hear about you the more clients you’ll have. And your launch event will be a success.


These were just some of the ‘hacks’ for a good start. The first impression is important so do your best to make a great first impression.

Mary Desilva