10x Your Workout By Passing Your Driving Test (Fast!)

It may seem counter-intuitive that passing your driving test would enable you to improve your workout routine, but it really can – and we’ll prove why.

Did you know that your gym membership enables you to access premium gyms for free or at a low, or nominal, cost? For example, Virgin Active has a band based systems – you can access any gym in the same band as your home gym – for free. And for a nominal charge, you can access the most prestigious of Central London gyms which house exclusive facilities such as premium spas and equipment.

You can also take advantage of your workplace insurance policies to lower the cost of your gym membership. Vitality, for example, provide additional discounts provided you meet particular thresholds in terms of exercise. Achieving these means you can even get free Apple products – such as an Apple Watch. Be careful, though: should you fail to meet the exercise target then they’ll debit the monthly payment for that beautiful gadget that sits on your wrist which can cost upwards of £20 a month.

Park run is also a fantastic opportunity to meet new people and get some fresh air in you while you run. Again, many health insurance companies offer rebates when you participate in these types of activities. Vitality will give you the equivalent of 20,000 steps a day should you participate in a Park Run.

All in all, we’ve demonstrated why having a driving license can be actually crucial to helping you achieve your fitness goals. The only snag is getting your license isn’t as straightforward as it should be. The current waiting time for a test is – on average – over 3 months. To avoid this, however, there are a number of companies offering driving test cancellations which take the hassle out of searching for cancellation appointments completely. Give DrivingScout a shot and you won’t be disappointed!

Mary Desilva