5 Internet Dangers Every Parent Should Know

Internet Dangers

As a parent, your child’s safety will always be your number one concern. It doesn’t matter how old he is. Their well-being is always on your mind, and you would do anything to protect them. But do you really know the dangers of the internet for your little ones?

The Wonders And Dangers Of The Internet

The internet is a digital expansion that has become such an important part of our lives. It is an endless database of information that helps children with their school reports, homework and studies, while allowing them to connect with anyone around the world. And since our children were born in the world of technology, they would find it almost impossible to survive without the internet.

While the online world is a blessing for all of us, it nevertheless poses a considerable risk to our young people in the form of cyberbullying, inappropriate content, online predators, etc. These virtual predators chase social networking sites for unsuspecting prey and come into contact with them. After they connect, they start looking for personal details, such as a phone number, email addresses, or home address. Children, being innocent and unsuspecting, often spread these details quickly, making them easy victims of fraud and other illegal activities online.

The most common locations for these predators are social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, as well as apps like Snapchat, Hangouts, Tinder and WhatsApp. It is vital that parents monitor their children using cell phone parental monitoring apps so that they can protect them from the dangers of the internet.

What Are The Dangers Of The Internet?

There are all kinds of reasons why the Internet can be a dangerous place for children. In addition to virtual predators, even certain social media posts can haunt you later in life, affecting your chances of getting a job or college admission. Children can also inadvertently put their families at risk by exposing confidential information to cyber criminals. To protect your children from the risks of using the Internet, you must first be familiar with the types of hazards that are present. Here are some of the biggest and most common risks that children face on the Internet.

1.      Cyberbullying

Almost a third of the entire population of children who use the Internet have been victims of online bullying. Online games and social media sites serve as perfect platforms for cyberbullying and other forms of degradation and humiliation. Children are often ridiculed or scolded on social media for comments or entire posts. Your child’s online game character is also frequently subjected to verbal attacks by other players. Cyberbullying is a big umbrella that constitutes different types of virtual attacks, the effects of which can last a lifetime.

2.      Virtual Predators

Sexual predators and other types chase children on social networks and gaming sites that seek to take advantage of them and attract what could become a dangerous encounter. They are experts in exploring childlike innocence and using their imagination as a way to attract them. Online predators are extremely discreet in their presence, but they have a lasting impact on their children’s lives.

3.      Fraud

Countless adults fall into online fraud daily, so you can imagine the number of children who become victims of phishing and other types of scams. They are easily attracted to prizes like free games and discount codes, because they are not as cautious as adults. Cyber ​​criminals also attract children with treats in exchange for confidential information, such as their parents’ bank account or credit card details.

4.      Publishing Private Information

Children are not familiar with setting limits on the Internet, which is why they often make the mistake of posting personal information on social media or game profiles. This information can include a variety of details, from home addresses to private images. In some cases, uploading private images or sensitive content can dramatically affect their chances in life.

5.      Inappropriate Or Sexual Content

Children are often exposed to sexually explicit content while surfing the Internet. Their curiosity is what attracts them to click on suspicious links, which not only exposes them to inappropriate content, but can also contain malware that can corrupt their devices.

How To Prevent Internet Dangers

The best way to protect your children from the dangers of the Internet is to monitor their use of the Internet. Installing cell phone parental monitoring apps like FamilyTime on their cell phones can help you keep an eye on the websites they visit and with whom they interact. This application allows you to identify any virtual red flags and block or delete them, if necessary. The FamilyTime app allows you to monitor your children’s messages and check their call logs. The app also enables parents to block apps and manage their kids’ screen time. To give the app a free try now, go to the app store on your phone and install the trial version of FamilyTime from there.

Internet Dangers

With software such as FamilyTime, you can rest assured knowing that your child’s online activities are closely monitored. Keep your kids abreast of the dangers lurking on the internet. The more aware you are, the more careful you will be.

Mary Desilva