Taking Care Of Flowers With Our 5 Tips

Taking Care Of Flowers With Our 5 Tips

Does this look familiar? You buy a bouquet of flowers, but before you know it they are hanging limp and ready for the trash. How do you ensure that your flowers last longer? In this blog we give five practical tips for caring for flowers. So that you can enjoy your bouquet longer!

Tip 1: Cut Flowers Diagonally

You may have heard this trick before. Cut the bottom of the flowers at an angle before placing them in a vase. This ensures an open entrance at the bottom, so that the flowers can easily absorb the water. Do this with a sharp knife and not with scissors. It is better to cut the stem a little too short than to leave it too long, as long stems take longer to absorb water. And with a lack of sufficient water, the flower will die sooner.

Tip 2: Get Rid of Excess Leaves

In different types of flowers, leaves grow on the stem. Remove these leaves before you put the bunch in the water, so that they don’t end up in the vase. This prevents leaves from getting wet, decaying and polluting the water. Contamination in the water causes stems to rot, with the result that your flowers die earlier. Do you want to order roses? You can leave the thorns alone. Extra tip: keep your water clean by changing it every three to four days. Did you come across a faded flower while refreshing? Faded flowers also cause pollution, so throw them away immediately.

Tip 3: Choosing a Good And Clean Vase

A clean vase is very important. A vase that is not clean contains bacteria that immediately affect the flowers. It is best to use a glass vase. This clearly shows whether there is still enough water in the vase. In addition, you can see whether the water is still clear or whether it is time to change it.

Tip 4: Add Chlorine and Sugar

This tip may sound a bit crazy, but they are both miracle cures for taking care of your flowers. Chlorine kills bacteria, preventing pollution and keeping the vase clean for longer. Be careful with the use of chlorine, one drop is sufficient. Using more will actually damage your flowers. Sugar is used as food for the flowers. When you buy a new bunch you get a bag of cut flower food that you add to the water. After the water changes, a small spoonful of sugar is the ideal replacement.

Tip 5: The Right Place for your Bouquet

After all, flowers also last longer if they are in a nice place. Therefore, do not place your flowers in a draft, in full sun or close to a heater. In these places, flowers lose moisture faster than they absorb new water. This makes them droop, which is of course a shame for your beautiful forest. Did you know that birthday flowers are sold everywhere in the world? Birthday flowers are called in Denmark ‘blomster mors dag’ and ‘fødselsdags blomster’.

Mary Desilva