Online School Supply List: Tips For Helping Your Child Succeed

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, school shopping usually was just grabbing some pens, pencils, notebooks, binders, and a brand new shiny backpack to top it all off. But now that America’s students are learning from the comfort of their own home, our shopping lists have changed a bit. Virtual learning is a whole new world, which requires new supplies and a shift in thinking about what “virtual learning” even means.

So, to get your kiddos as prepared for the new school year as possible, here are some items to add to your school supplies list.

Reliable Internet

Not only will you want reliable Internet at home, but you’ll also want cheap internet as well since your kids will be in Zoom meetings all day. There are plenty of affordable Internet plans with a decent MBPS available for you to choose from, depending on the number of people in your family and the bandwidth you need. Talk to your internet service provider to see if there are any deals, even if you’re not a new customer. If you need internet essentials like a router or modem, your internet provider can help with those, too.

An Ergonomic Chair

It will be impossible for your child to concentrate if they are stuck learning in a hardback kitchen chair all day. Not only is this uncomfortable, but this stiff material is also bad for their back, neck, and shoulders! Get a comfy, yet ergonomic chair for them to spend the day in while encouraging proper posture as much as you can.

Over-The-Ear Headphones

To cut down on feedback and to hear the teacher properly, you’ll want to get a comfy pair of over the ear earphones. Combined with high-speed internet or cable internet, your student should be set. Plus, earbuds can actually hurt the inner ear and eardrum with extended use, and over-the-ear, padded earphones are better for not only comfort but for volume control. Since your child is going to be plugged in all day, you’ll want to make sure they are listening to their classes at a low decibel.

Bins, Bins, And More Bins

A key to successful virtual learning is to be organized. One of the best ways to do so is through tons of storage bundles, with a color-coded system for each subject. You’ll want your child to be able to move through the school day seamlessly, regardless of their grade level. Storage bins will help with exactly that. There’s a lot of hanging storage you can utilize as well. Just make sure to give your child a tour before their first day of school so everything is easily accessible to them and they can easily find supplies.

A Hanging Calendar

Classrooms have tons of calendars in them, making it easy for small kids to understand when assignments are due. However, even seniors and college students occasionally need help keeping the days straight. Hanging a large whiteboard or chalkboard calendar right above the child’s desk makes it easy to not only learn the days, weeks, months, and seasons but will keep them on track with deadlines.

A Tutor

Your child may not learn the best virtually, but unfortunately, they will have to learn virtually until there is a vaccine. So in order to be proactive, in case they need an extra educational boost, consider hiring a tutor to fill those gaps. There are plenty of online tutoring options to choose from in multiple subjects, from English and reading to science and math tutoring programs depending on your child’s needs. From math help to essay questions, finding the best option can help your child succeed.

A Lap Desk

Chances are your child will want to move around the house during the day so they don’t get too restless. Make it easy for them to do so by purchasing a sturdy lap desk that can be easily transported from reading nooks to couches and kitchen tables.

With the help of these items, your child’s virtual learning journey will start with a bang. And before you know it, it will be Christmas vacation!

Mary Desilva