When to Use Nuxe Products

When to Use Nuxe Products

The skincare market is absolutely chock full of incredible products that can be added to your routine, no matter your skin type, skin sensitivity, or what kind of results you’re looking to get from said products. There really is a skin product out there for everyone. 

Some brands are a little better than others, and there are definitely some brands that are a lot more popular than others. One product that is consistently pretty popular is called Nuxe, which is a skincare company that is based in Paris, France but ships products all over the world. 

One of the biggest issues that we see people have is not knowing when the best time to use Nuxe products is, or even when it’s appropriate. Knowing the right timing, and products, to use can make a world of difference for your skincare routine in the long run. 

Getting the right skincare routine with the right products at the right time is really the key, and that seems obvious but it’s not something that everyone really understands right off the gate. In fact, it’s not uncommon for people that are new to the world of skincare to get mixed up. 

That’s why we’ve written today’s article. With a bit of luck, you’ll know exactly which products you should use, when you should use them, and how often you should use them. After you’re done here, you’ll be well on your way to having the perfect skincare routine for you. 

Why Use Nuxe Products?

In journalism, there are typically considered to be 5 w’s and 1 h. You may know of them already, these include:

  • Why?
  • What?
  • Where?
  • When? 
  • Who?
  • How?

We already have the answers to a lot of these questions. For example, the what is Nuxe products, the who is you, the where is at your home or wherever you plan on doing your skincare routine, the why is to have better skin. We’re just looking to find the how and the when. 

But, we should take a closer look at why you should use Nuxe specifically. There are many products on the market that can do what you’re looking for, what sets Nuxe apart? This is a question that many people have, but not everyone can answer. 

Well, one of the biggest things that Nuxe has going for it as a company is the fact that it’s a skincare company made for women by women. Nuxe’s founder is a French woman named Aliza Jabès and she created this company because of her own love of skin. 

Nuxe started out as a small formulation laboratory, but in the 1990s it was bought out and quickly became an industry giant. 

Before long, Nuxe was known all over the world for having fantastic products that anyone could use for nearly any reason, which helped its climb to popularity grow a lot more quickly than it might have otherwise. Today, most people have at least one Nuxe product in their daily routine. 

The reason why so many people like Nuxe’s products is that they’re effective and only use ingredients of the highest quality. If you’re looking for products that are going to work well while also not having to worry about what was used to make said products, Nuxe is your best bet. 

Of course, you do have other options for skincare products. Keep in mind that everyone’s skin is a little different, so a specific product might work for someone else but might not work for you. Sometimes it takes a bit of trial and error to be sure. 

How to Know What kind of Product to Use

Knowing the right kind of product to use is just as important as knowing when to use it. This is probably one of the things that most people struggle with the very most, but it doesn’t have to be a difficult thing to know. 

It’s actually quite easy to pick out the right skincare products for you, you just have to understand what skin type you have. You might be asking “what is a skin type?” and if that is the case, you’re in luck. We’re going to be exploring that in this section. 

There are three types of skin and a bonus type that we’re going to look at here. Each comes with its own challenges and issues, so let’s cover them:

Dry skin.

Dry skin doesn’t produce enough oil, which causes the skin to be dry. People with dry skin regularly suffer from:

      • Chaffed skin.
      • Cracking skin.
      • Infections.

Oily skin.

Oily skin is the exact opposite of dry skin. This is when the skin produces too much oil. People that have this skin typically have to deal with:

      • Clogged pores.
      • Acne.
      • Oil build-up

Combination skin.

People with combination skin fall somewhere in between oily and dry skin. This is also referred to as “normal skin” and doesn’t have any unique issues.

Sensitive skin.

Sensitive skin is more of a modifier than its own skin type because you can have dry, oily, or combination skin and it can still be sensitive. People with sensitive skin have to deal with:

      • Irritation,
      • Inflammation.
      • Redness.
      • Itchiness.
      • Rashes.

Knowing your skin type can make a huge difference in your quality of life, as well as the type of products you get. For example, if you have dry skin you’d want to make sure that you get something that’s extra moisturizing, but if you have oily skin you’ll want to make sure that you have a good cleanser.

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It can be easy to find out what kind of skin you have. There are ways to get this information in less than a minute if you have the supplies.

You could also go to a dermatologist so they can figure it out for you. Home tests usually work really well, but some people prefer to get this kind of information from a doctor so they don’t have to worry about the accuracy of the information they get. 

When Should One Use Nuxe Products?

Now that we’ve covered everything else we needed to cover, let’s look at when someone should use Nuxe products as a part of their routine. A lot of people struggle with the timing, and if you’re one of those people it’s a good thing that you’re here. 

So, how can you tell when you need a skincare routine, and when should you be using Nuxe products? There are a lot of ways to know, but it can be different from person to person and that’s where things start to get more than a little tricky. 

Generally, it’s recommended to start a skincare routine sometime in your late 20s. Recommendations can change from dermatologist to dermatologist, but generally speaking, you should be looking into this starting at about 25 and gradually getting a more and more in-depth routine as time continues to move forward.

Now, if you have a serious skin condition, odds are you’ve already started a skincare routine long before 25. Depending on what condition you have, you could have started your routine at as young of an age as 10 years old, sometimes even younger than that. It really depends on your skin. 

Depending on your skin, this could mean a lot of different things. You could just need a small handful of products or you could need injectables on top of a vast array of products that you use at regular intervals. What your skin needs is rather unique to you. 

Now, when should you use Nuxe products specifically? Well, realistically, you should be using them whenever you’re doing the rest of your daily routine. Some people do it at night, some people do it in the morning, it really depends a lot upon your daily schedule and what you have to do. 

Generally speaking, most products are going to be used once per day, seven days a week. It’s easiest if you do it at a specific time daily, like right before bed or right after you wake up. This allows you to build up the routine and make it part of your daily ritual. 

With all of that in mind, generally speaking, Nuxe products will have directions on the bottle or jar that will tell you how often to use them. Some products are once a day, some are twice a day, and sometimes you can even get products that are used thrice a day. 

Getting the Timing Right

Nobody likes it when their skincare routine isn’t as effective as they want it to be. There are a lot of things that can cause this including irregular routines, using the wrong product for your skin, and the list goes on.

Knowing the right product to use and the right schedule to use it on is the key to having happier, healthier skin for the longest period of time possible. It doesn’t matter if you’re new to having a skincare routine or you’ve had a skincare routine for longer than a lot of people have been alive. 

Mary Desilva