Interested In Getting Laser Eye Surgery On The NHS? You Must Read This Article.

Interested In Getting Laser Eye Surgery On The NHS? You Must Read This Article.
laser eye surgery

A growing number of people are choosing to go through laser eye surgery nowadays to fix vision issues. It is a fast and fairly pain-free method known to produce terrific results, eliminating the need to use spectacles or contact lens for lots of folks with typical refraction problems.

But, for numerous people, the option of investing a ton of cash on having their vision corrected might be quite challenging. Some people, after all, have had to spend as high as ₤3,000 to have laser treatment. This brings us to the question: Is it feasible for UK citizens to get laser eye treatments done at an economical fee or perhaps even free of charge on the NHS?

Can I have laser eye surgery on the NHS?

It depends upon what eye disorder you have.

Laser surgery is offered on the NHS for eye problems that, without treatment, can result in loss of eyesight.

But it’s not provided for problems that can easily be addressed properly in other ways, like short- or long-sightedness, which could be addressed with eyeglasses or contact lenses.

FAQs about Laser Eye Surgery:

For How Long Does Laser Eye Surgery Take?

You’ll remain in the theatre for roughly ten mins and the actual laser will only be put on to your eye ranges from just a few seconds to two minutes depending upon the complication of your prescription.

How Swiftly Can I Resume Work After Laser Eye Surgery?

Your recovery period depends upon the kind of laser eye surgery you’ve had and your recovery rate. Most LASIK surgery clients have usual eyesight and can return within 24-48 hours after surgical procedure, while those who have LASEK treatments may take up to a week to recover. Your specialist will tell you in advance the amount of time you’ll need to set off.

What Does Laser Eye Surgery Feel?

Strictly speaking, laser eye surgery is a pain-free procedure, but there are a few phases which some patients might find unpleasant.

What Are The Success Rates?

Followup surveys across several clinics in the UK suggest that beyond 95% of clients report being delighted with the results they’ve had through their surgery, even going as far as considering it ‘life-changing’.

Having Laser Eye Surgery is More Economical Than You Think

Eye examinations, treatment fees, hidden extras, aftercare services; the costs connected with Laser Eye Surgery can appear to swiftly rack up. This is generally the case when seeking advice from high street providers or large chains, but it’s not the way all of us like to perform business.

Many private clinics and nonpublic hospitals are totally straightforward in their pricing. Preferably you will be presented with just one advance cost which covers the entire procedure and omits the possibilities of any unpleasant little surprises; even better if the medical clinic provides interest free finance and extended aftercare following your surgery.

This is obviously all just before we reach the comparison costs of Laser Eye Surgery versus other vision correction solutions. Rather surprisingly, estimations made on the average cost of eyeglasses reveal Laser Eye Surgery to be a more cost-effective method of vision correction longer term.

Laser Eye Surgery may not be readily available for the majority on the NHS, but that does not mean it’s out of reach. Weighing up the advantages of surgery opposed to your present method of vision correction is a fantastic place to begin and kick off your journey towards better vision.

Mary Desilva