The Top 10 Hookah Mistakes You Should Avoid

The Top 10 Hookah Mistakes You Should Avoid

Hello hot smokers and welcome to another blog from hookah experts on Hookah-Shisha! When it comes to preparing hookah and smoking, each person will have their own unique strategies and strategies to find their ideal smoking session. Whether it’s packaging for different dishes, limited preferences, or just a mix of different flavors used, each session is different and this is part of what makes hookah a compulsive hobby.

That being said, some common mistakes can damage not only your hookah session, but also the physical strength of your hookah pipe, and perhaps you as a person! To help you learn from our mistakes and reach times of high smoke, we have compiled a list of the top 10 mistakes made by hookah smokers and how to avoid them!

  • Overpacking Your Container
  • Packing Under Your Container
  • Foil Sag
  • Overheating
  • Adequate Heat
  • Smoking Dirty Hooker
  • Putting Too Much Water In Your Foundation
  • Air leakage
  • Smoking Unstable Hooker
  • Carrying Your Hook

Despite the fact that, in our opinion, one of the most avoided mistakes in hookah, carrying your own Hookah Accessories alone is the mistake that almost every hookah smoker has ever done, or will do, at least once in their lifetime. Why is it a mistake you may ask? Because it is an easy way to break your glass base.

A growing number of hookahs around the world use rubber base grommet to attach to the base and trunk and provide airtight cover. Although many of these grommets provide a strong connection, they are not strong enough to hold the basic weight of the glass, let alone filled with water. If you only hold your hookah in the trunk, you are in danger of losing the rubber grommet, which has caused your foundation to collapse and, you guessed, to collapse.

Nothing stops the fun faster than the base of a broken hookah, especially if you do not have a backup copy. Fortunately, there is one simple practice you can do to prevent this from happening: treat your hookah with a base, not a stem! Seriously, that’s all. Having one hand firmly hold the base and the other holding the stem (to stabilize) will prevent your hookah base from falling suddenly and turning into a pile of glass charts.

And that list! We hope our advice here will help you avoid a bad session or a complete hookah disaster! If you have any questions about any of the topics we have discussed today, or need help with any other hookah related matter, contact our amazing customer service team and they will be happy to assist you. And if you want to buy gaming accessories like Falcon Playing Cards. poker chips, Ceramic Chillum etc.

Mary Desilva