4 Items To Frame For A Loved One This Valentine’s Day

4 Items To Frame For A Loved One This Valentine’s Day

Few things are as romantic as opening a gift on Valentine’s Day. From making your loved one a mixtape to writing them a love letter, there are boundless adorable ways to show your partner that you care for them. Even better, you could choose a gift that can be framed, meaning it can be immortalised by being displayed somewhere in your home.

For this reason, we’ve come up with four framed items to consider gifting for your loved one this Valentine’s Day. Whichever gift — or gifts if you’re feeling extra loved up — you choose, it’s recommended that you get the item(s) in question professionally framed for extra protection, style and personalisation. You may even want to get them mounted too — as London-based framing company Soho Frames explains: “The benefits of mounting come down to its ability to create breathing space for a piece, drawing in the viewer’s eye while serving to preserve it.”

Let’s dive in.

1. A Picture of You Together

Sometimes simplicity truly is the ultimate sophistication, and this sums up our first recommendation to a tee. Whether it’s the first ever photo of you together, a snap of you on that unforgettable holiday you went on, or an especially sweet selfie, gifting a framed picture of your favourite snap together is a great way of commemorating your relationship.

There are also so many ways you can spice up your partners’ pic for added originality, from having it made into a watercolour or cartoon print, to gifting it in puzzle form.

2. A Personalised Map

The next item on our list is a little more unique: a personalised map of a significant location and date of your relationship. Perhaps it’s where you first met, had your first kiss, or bought your first apartment — whatever it is, there are few better ways to celebrate your shared history together than with this gift.

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There are plenty of companies out there that produce personalised maps like this, including Positive Prints which has dedicated Where We Met and The Start of Something Special maps as part of its Valentine’s Day range.

3. A Scratch Off Map

Continuing the map theme, for the nomadic couples out there, a scratch off map is just the motivation you need to keep traversing the globe together. This gift does what it says on the tin —  simply scratch off the foil on the map over any countries you’ve visited together to remove the base colour and reveal a vibrantly hued record of your travels.

This unique type of map was created by Luckies back in 2009, and comes in various base colours, including rose gold and silver. You can also buy a UK and Ireland-themed scratch off map to record your domestic travels on.

4. A Picture of Their Favourite Album Cover

Our final recommendation is to frame a picture of your partner’s favourite album cover, though you could also do the same for their favourite film poster, football shirt, or piece of art. This gift will not only get you brownie points by showing that you pay attention, but is one that’s guaranteed to go down a treat by its very nature.

Again, there are many ways of jazzing up this type of present, like framing limited edition or signed variations of the picture in question, for example.

Mary Desilva