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3 Reasons Why Women Should Eat More Ginger

A study performed in 2011 on middle-aged women proved that the regular consumption of ginger increases cognitive processing and attention without side-effects.

The improvements in cognition and mental accuracy were significant, but the initiators of the study do specify that more research is needed in order to discover the underlying mechanism. Here are some vaginal cyst home remedies.

In addition, consumption of ginger is highly advised for those who suffer from vomiting, nausea, seasickness, morning sickness or chemotherapy-induced nausea. For morning sickness in particular, ginger has been found to be as effective as the pharmaceutical metoclopramide.

  1. Treatment of Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a common health problem. It involves degeneration of the joints in the body, leading to symptoms like joint pain and stiffness.

In a controlled trial of 247 people with osteoarthritis of the knee, those who took ginger extract had less pain and required less pain medication.

Another study found that a combination of ginger, mastic, cinnamon and sesame oil, can reduce pain and stiffness in osteoarthritis patients when applied topically.

2. Anti-inflammatory properties

The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger are among the most studied of its effects.

This is good news for those who suffer from osteoarthritis, frequent joint pains and even muscle soreness. While its impact is not immediate, regular consumption leads to more manageable symptoms and even to major reduction in pain.

What’s more, the anti-inflammatory agents in ginger help control the aging process at a molecular level, thanks to the shogaol compounds, which are more concentrated in powders.

3. Ginger has Anti-carcinogenic properties

Cancer is a very serious disease that is characterized by uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells.

Ginger extract has been studied as an alternative treatment for several forms of cancer.

Although the anti-cancer effects of ginger are widely disputed, its anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory traits led to more research in this direction.

But recently, research have attributed the anti-cancer properties to 6-gingerol, a substance that is found in large amounts in raw ginger.

To date, ginger has shown to be helpful in the case of colorectal and gastric cancer, ovarian, skin and breast cancer as well as in liver and prostate cancer.

The basic idea behind this root’s impact in carcinogenic processes is its ability to activate certain enzymes within our bodies that suppress the production of the disease-specific harmful cells, but it can also inhibit tumour cell invasion and motility.

Article by Thrive Nigeria.

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