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What First Foods To Give Your Baby?

What First Foods To Give Your Baby?

Introducing solids to babies is like achieving a significant milestone. It opens up a whole new world of flavors to your kids. Further, it helps in preventing food allergies because the babies get a taste of the foods right from the start. Solid foods are for babies transiting from milk to adult food. After about 4 to 6 months, mother’s milk is not sufficient, requiring solid foods to be added to their diets. Even if the babies are allergic to some foods, an allergic reaction will indicate the same. Babies need pre-nutrition that comes from the blend of both plant and animal proteins.

Best First Foods to Feed to Your Babies

1. Avocadoes

Avocadoes are a great choice when it comes to a baby’s first food. Likewise, it has lots of healthy fats and magnesium very crucial for the development of the body. Other nutrients are vitamin E, Vitamin K, folate, fiber, Vitamin B. Just cut the avocadoes into long slices to self feed your child. You can also mash it and feed it along with bananas.

2. Egg Yolks

Early introduction is likely preventing food allergies. Please start with the egg yolks as it is the easiest to digest. Furthermore, it has chlorine which is best for the development of a baby’s brain and eyes. Egg yolks also contain zinc, phosphorus, Vitamin E and Vitamin B6. Besides, cook the egg yolks with butter or coconut oil. Keep the egg yolk runny for easier digestion.

3. Yogurt

Organic yogurt is an excellent dairy product as its pre-digested. Moreover, it is a well-balanced, healthy food containing milk, sugar, protein, and fats. It is rich in health-promoting probiotics to colonize the gut with beneficial bacteria. Consumption of dairy products helps to keep food allergic reaction at bay.

4. Bananas

Babies prefer sweet foods as they have already gotten a sweet tooth with breastfed milk. Bananas are excellent sources of carbohydrates and amylase. It is an enzyme that helps in the digestion of carbohydrates. Bananas are rich in magnesium, manganese, Vitamin C and Vitamin B6. Serve ripe bananas with the brown spot.

The starch present in it makes it easier to digest. Further, peel and cut the bananas into halves or mash them with a bit of avocado and serve it with milk.

5. Green Peas

If you want to give green foods to your baby, start with green peas. Likewise, it has high starch, which is helpful to feed the good bacteria in the gut. Take 1/4th cup of peas consisting of fiber, Vitamin K, and Vitamin A necessary in everyday meals.

If the babies don’t like the taste, you can feed it with a bit of squash. It all depends on how you can make the solid foods delicious for your babies.

6. Organ Meats

Organ meats have the most nutrients and are high in Vitamin A. Furthermore, the liver contains Vitamin A, D, folate, zinc, and CoQ10. You can prefer to feed chicken liver to your babies containing a high amount of iron. Take chicken or beef liver and cook in medium heat with coconut oil or ghee.

Once the side is brown, flip it and fry till the other end is brown as well. Take about 1 TB of the liver and give it with banana mash. Also, you can cut it into small pieces for self-feeding.

Food allergies have doubled from 2012 to 2016. You can lower the chance of allergic reaction up to 80% with early allergen introduction. Once babies have solid foods from 4 to 6 months, they are at less risk of getting a good allergy. The key to preventing food allergies is knowing how much to feed. Babies can thrive by eating both plant and animal solids. Further, providing high nutrition-rich foods will create greater physical strength, healthier immune systems, and protective microbiomes.


Start tremendous and give only the best solid foods to your newly born. They deserve the best nutrition for them to grow stronger physically. Start delivering goods like yogurt, peanuts, cheese, and butter. By 7 to 8 months, increase the intake quantity with fruits, vegetables, and healthy proteins. Good bacteria is needed in the body to help in digestion.

Written by Meghan Hale, a content writer at Plant Sumo and editing machine. You’ll find me yelling at my dog to stop barking, whether it be at the neighbours or on a long afternoon walk

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