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What Are The Benefits Of A Folding Mobility Scooter?

What Are The Benefits Of A Folding Mobility Scooter?

If you are a super-active rider who is always on the go, a folding mobility scooter will come in handy. A folding mobility scooter helps you regain mobility independence while being easy to transport.

Folding mobility scooters have numerous benefits and come in different designs, sizes, and capabilities, depending on the manufacturer. Some are airline-approved, while others are not. Additionally, some folding mobility scooters feature auto-folding while others need manual input to fold.

Lightweight: Easy to Carry

With a folding mobility scooter, you will enjoy a lightweight scooter that is easy to lift and transport. Generally, most folding mobility scooters do not exceed 70 pounds. Therefore, you can easily store them or fit them in your car trunk when traveling. The only downside to the lightweight feature is that they can only accommodate users not exceeding 300 pounds.

When purchasing a folding mobility scooter, it is essential to ensure that the height and weight of the user (you or your loved one) do not exceed the scooter’s weight capacity. Considering this will ensure the folding mobility scooter have an outstanding performance and that the user is comfortable.

Tight Turning Radius

Folding mobility scooters come with closely-fitted wheels to increase their maneuverability. With this design, these scooters can navigate through tight spaces efficiently. Many users usually compare their impressive turning radius to three-wheeled mobility scooters.

Standard/ Option for Lithium-ion Batteries

Another benefit of having a folding mobility scooter is that a majority come with standard lithium-ion batteries. If the folding mobility scooter does not have a standard lithium-ion battery, there is an option to install lithium batteries.

Lithium-ion batteries are lighter than bulky lead-acid batteries. Furthermore, they are more long-lasting and airline-approved.

Unique Features

Investing in a mobility scooter is always a good decision since you will have a mobility scooter with a sleek design and great features. Most folding mobility scooters are ergonomic, with comfortable seats and spacious legroom. They are durable, safe to use, and usually have a long driving range and excellent power generated by lithium batteries.

Folding Mobility Scooters vs. Travel Mobility Scooters

Folding mobility scooters are easy to store, ideal for super-active users, and lightweight, similar to travel scooters. Due to these similarities, many people think the two scooters are the same. The distinguishing feature between the two scooter models is their folding mechanism.

Travel mobility scooters disassemble into different parts that are easy to carry and fit in car trunks. On the other hand, folding mobility scooters fold to make their size smaller for easier storage and transportation.

Manual Folding vs. Automatic Folding

Manufacturers produce folding mobility scooters in automatic or manual folding mobility types. The automatic folding mechanism is user-friendly as it only requires you to push a button and watch the scooter fold or unfold itself. Some automatic folding scooters have a remote control for easier folding and unfolding controls.

With a manual folding mobility scooter, you will have to fold and unfold the scooter manually while traveling or storing. The folding-unfolding process is usually easy but not as fast and easy as with an automatic folding scooter.

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