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Top Tips For Dressing For Oktoberfest

Oktoberfest is traditionally held in Germany, however there are many similar festivals now held in the UK, including London Oktoberfest. With thousands of people attending, you can expect to enjoy an incredible mix of beer (lots of), food and music all spread out over various dates in September and October.

You can try plenty of bratwurst (German sausage), high quality German beer as well as music from genuine Bavarian bands. It really is a fun event for all members of the family and grows bigger and bigger in popularity every year it has run.

If you’re planning on attending London Oktoberfest, you’re going to need to dress properly. There’s no getting away with jeans and a tshirt at this event, you’ve got to put a bit more effort in that than!

Almost everyone attending Oktoberfest makes the effort to wear traditional Bavarian outfits, so why not get involved yourself and take part in a bit of fancy dress? It doesn’t matter what time of year it is, dressing that way adds to the fun and atmosphere of the entire event.


If you’re wanting to know why everyone dresses up for Oktoberfest, we’re going to need to get into the history of the event a little bit.

All through the 1500’s people wore Bavarian outfits in Munich because, well, it was the fashion. As fashions changed, certain local groups decided to ensure the traditional outfits would never be forgotten, documenting the style of dress and actively promoting it at events. And so, in the early 1800’s the very first Rifleman and Costume Parade became part of Oktoberfest, growing so popular that in the late 1800’s a traditional costume association was started, by the name of Trachtenverein. Since then it has become part of the festival’s tradition to actively embrace this traditional dress in all its forms.


Ladies Oktoberfest dress is generally a fitted Bavarian Dirndl dress complete with a short sleeved, white frilly blouse underneath.

Dirndl Bows – If you’re being traditional, your apron should have a bow tied at the front. The way you tie your bow is meant to indicate your relationship status. Bows to the left indicate you are single, bows to the right indicate you are in a relationship and bows in the middle indicate you are a virgin. Of course, you don’t have to pay attention to those rules, but understanding what the bow means will be helpful if you find you’re being chatted up a lot!

Dress – If you buy a fancy dress Oktoberfest costume you will find your Dirndl dress is very short. Traditionally the dresses are actually below the knee. Both are acceptable.

Shoes – You can wear any footwear you like, however, the majority of ladies wearing traditional dress opt for Mary Janes, as they are comfortable (great for dancing!) and match the traditional style. If you don’t have black pumps, flat ballet pumps look just as good.

Lederhosen – Yes, ladies can wear these too, in fact more and more women opt for Lederhosen at Oktoberfest every year.

Hair – Hair can be worn down, or in traditional over the head plaits depending on how ‘authentic’ you want to look.


Trousers/ Shorts – Lederhosen are leather shorts that can be quite short, if you opt for these try them on before you buy as they don’t tend to be stretchy. They do have a bit of room at the waist with a drawstring, but the legs are solid, so consider getting a size bigger than you are for comfort.  Plattlerhosen are longer versions of Lederhosen and go to the knee or lower. You could also opt for Bundhosen which are slightly more relaxed in appearance, or trachten (meaning embroidered) – as sold by

Hats – The traditional Bavarian hats have feathers at the side. As with the ladies apron bow rules, there are rules with the hats as well. Generally the bigger the feathers, the more rich you are and any pins you have on the side of the hat can indicate your hobbies or the places you have been to.

Shirts – Trachten shirts are generally plaid and either red or blue, although you can get them in lots of different colours. They used to be worn baggy, but the ‘trendy’ way to wear them now is more tight fitting.

Suspenders – no matter what else you are wearing, suspenders are incredibly important to complete the look.

Shoes – Traditional Bavarian dress includes Haferlschuh which is a cross between a shoe and a boot. They are very unique in shape and really make the outfit stand out.

Socks – Socks tend to be made from wool and can be either ankle length or higher depending on the look you are going for.

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