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8 Things To Keep In Mind When Buying A Meditation Pillow

8 Things To Keep In Mind When Buying A Meditation Pillow

Are you feeling anxious and stressed? If yes, you can try meditation. This is a practice of training your mind to focus and return to a calm state.

Besides, you can consider meditation to enhance your awareness of yourself. Apart from that, if you’re experiencing poor sleep patterns, meditation could be your best medicine.

Sometimes meditation might not be a walk in the park as you may think. This is especially true if you’re not comfortable. That’s why it’s recommended for you to use a Buckwheat Meditation Pillow to support your body while meditating.  

Overview Of Buckwheat Pillows

People tend to think that buckwheat meditation pillows are present inventions. However, that’s not true. These pillows were first used in Japan around 600 years ago and later introduced to other Asian countries. Today, millions of people worldwide use buckwheat pillows to support themselves when meditating.

As the name suggests, buckwheat pillows are made with hulls of buckwheat seeds. This gives them a firm feeling. That’s why almost everyone would consider buckwheat pillows for meditation. You may watch this video for more information about buckwheat meditation pillows:

Finding The Right Meditation Pillow

There are several meditation pillows in the market. However, sometimes selecting the right one can be a daunting task. This is especially true if you haven’t purchased a similar product in the past.

Here are essential factors to consider when finding a meditation pillow:

1. Price

Price is one of the critical things to keep in mind when selecting a meditation pillow. Different meditation pillows in the market may provide similar comfort. However, their costs may significantly differ. Some have high prices while others are reasonably low.

Before you purchase your pillow, start by comparing prices on different sites. Make sure you purchase a meditation pillow that’s within your budget.

2. Quality

Checking the price is the primary step to finding a meditation pillow. However, quality is another critical element to consider. It’s surprising that most shoppers only consider the price and forget about the quality. It’s vital to select a meditation pillow of the highest quality, keep in mind that you’re going to use it for a long span of time.

The major benefit of buying a high-quality meditation pillow is to save on costs. With good maintenance, such pillows can last for a long time. This ensures you’re not going back to the market to shop for a new one soon.  Always bear in mind that you’ll be using it almost every day to ensure healthy well-being through consistent self-care and calming meditation.

3. Breathability

One of the many challenges you need to overcome when meditating in hot weather is high temperatures and excessive sweating. Utilizing a breathable pillow can get you through your meditation session smoothly. This type of meditation pillow lessens the heat that accumulates inside its fibers, thus making it more comfortable even in hot climates.

Breathability is the ability of a meditation pillow to allow moisture and air to pass through the material. This prevents you from overheating and producing too much heat.

Apart from interfering with your meditation process, excessive sweating can lead to dehydration and other health complications like constipation. You can avoid all these problems by choosing a breathable meditation pillow.

4. Comfort

One of the reasons you’d want to use a meditation pillow when meditating is to enhance your comfort. For that reason, you may want to find a pillow that can provide the best alignment for your body. Select a meditation pillow that can perfectly balance your body, based on your posture.

5. Portability

If you’re the type of person who loves to meditate and travel at the same time, then the ideal meditation pillow for you should be portable and lightweight. This kind of pillow is also for people who are fond of meditating outdoors.

Since there are many types of meditation cushions available on the market, you should always look for a specific type that’s suitable for your lifestyle and own preferences, such as portability. Getting a pillow that you can easily bring with you anywhere can open up so many possibilities, like comfortably meditating outside of your home or even when you travel out of the country. This convenience helps in maintaining your meditation routine anytime, anywhere

6. Size And Shape

Meditation pillows come in different sizes. Some are designed for adults and others for young children. The right size should be determined based on your height and how much flexibility you want to achieve.

Apart from size, you must also select the right shape. The selection of the shape will depend on your taste and preference. The common shapes to choose from are rectangular, round, and u-shaped.

7. Materials Used

Meditation pillows are commonly made out of different materials, such as kapok, wool, cotton, polyester, and buckwheat hulls.

Kapok and polyester material are firm cushions that can hold your body steadily, while buckwheat hulls are used for heavier meditations and are a favorite choice when it comes to meditation pillows. On the other hand, wool and cotton cushions are known for their durability and comfort.

8 Brand’s Reputation

After considering all the other factors, it’s now time to find a seller. However, with so many sellers in the market, sometimes it can be an overwhelming task to connect with the right one.  Some shops may promise high-quality meditation pillows only to deliver counterfeit ones. Avoid this by finding a brand with a positive reputation.

The best way to determine a seller’s reputation is by visiting their online platforms to see other customers’ feedback. A shop with positive feedback could be the best place to source your meditation pillow. Avoid engaging with a seller with many negative comments from other shoppers. It’s advisable to do thorough research before settling for the meditation pillow of your choice.


Meditation is essential for your overall mental well-being. It allows you to manage stress, enhance self-awareness, minimize negative emotions and promote creativity. However, you must ensure you’re comfortable when meditating. You can achieve that by utilizing a meditation pillow suitable to your preferences, especially when meditating. Consider the things factors listed in this article to find the right pillow for your meditation needs.



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