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7 Ways Women Can Successfully Lose Belly Fat After 40

7 Ways Women

If you’re over 40 chances are you’ve come to know the difficulties of losing weight and experienced the advancement of the dreaded middle age spread. While there’s no denying that our bodies change as we age, that doesn’t mean we’re forced to take these changes sitting down (See what I did there?).

We need to face up to the challenges that come with ageing and readjust not only our thinking but our doing; one of the biggest frustrations being that what worked for us 10 or 15 years ago when we needed to shed a few kilos most likely doesn’t work anymore.

But don’t be disheartened because we’re here to let you know that losing that belly fat is still possible with a splash of re-education and a pinch determination. So, here are our top 7 tips for losing weight if you’re a woman over 40.

Eat More Protein

We can all expect a gradual decline in muscle mass (between 30-50%) between the ages of 40 and 80, so it’s super important to up your consumption of protein if you want to significantly slow this process down. That being said, research out of the UK suggests looking beyond the traditional source of animal protein to more sustainable sources such as vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds.

Plant-based diets are known to lower the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, obesity, metabolic syndrome, and mortality, as well as preventing specific types of cancer, though the consumption of moderate, high-quality unprocessed animal-based foods is still recommended as part of a balanced diet. That being said, there’s a large body of evidence showing that processed meat is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease, and some forms of cancers and should be avoided.

Try Resistance Training

By now you’ve probably figured it out but as we age our metabolism begins to slow. The response to this challenge is to stay active, though that may not mean working out the way you did in your 20’s and 30’s (ie. with lots of cardio).

While you’ll still need to incorporate some kind of cardiovascular activity, research also suggests that strength training is just as important after 40. A drop in estrogen and testosterone levels mean we start to lose lean muscle mass and strength training will not only help counter that but strengthen bones, burn calories and help boost metabolism.

Get Support

Some studies suggest that one of the main needs of women over 40 wanting to lose weight is getting the support they need to succeed. So, while you might feel that this struggle is yours alone, there are many other women on the same journey as you. Join a gym class and strike up a conversation with others in your group or gather some of your friends to give you more chance of weight loss success. Together, you’ll motivate each other and find it much easier to shift that stubborn belly fat.

If you like to work out alone, there are lots of options for supported weight loss through group dieting and support with a plethora of companies offering this type of service. Ask around about the different options and look at the reviews before you make a decision.

Consider A Tummy Tuck

An abdominoplasty will remove excess skin and fat from the abdominal area and also tighten the muscles. This procedure is worth considering and is recommended once you’ve achieved your goal weight but are unable to tone the stomach area.

An abdominoplasty is also a great solution if you’re generally happy with your body except for visible loose skin around the abdomen. A tummy tuck can give you a more sculpted silhouette while repairing your abdominal muscles. The best course of action if you want to explore this option further is to find a reputable surgeon and organise a consultation.

Practice Yoga

The many benefits of yoga are well documented and depending on which yoga you practice, just like strength and resistance training, it’s great for developing muscle tone. Physical postures, breathing and meditation can help with issues such as stress, ageing and depression but also practised regularly it encourages a deeper relationship and understanding of your body and its functions, bringing together mind and body.

While yoga alone won’t help you lose weight it influences the way we live and encourages us to eat better and exercise more as we become more in tune with our body. Some research indicates that yoga and meditation may help delay cellular ageing as well as promote mental and physical health as well as being accessible and beneficial for people with physical limitations.

Reassess Your Diet

We’ve already talked about the sluggish metabolism and the need for more protein but that combined with a change in hormones means we probably need to tweak our whole diet once we hit 40, even if you’ve enjoyed a healthy, balanced diet through your 20’s and 30’s it might not be perfect for this stage in your life.

This means that, as well as increasing that protein intake, you need to ensure you’re eating enough of the all-important fibre and now’s definitely the time to make certain you’re drinking enough water. Get rid of, or cut down on alcohol, which basically slows your body’s potential to burn fat and add some extra iron as well as plenty of vitamin D. Eating a healthy diet as part of weight loss, rather than skipping meals will significantly reduce your chances of developing a chronic age-related illness.

Change Your Thinking

As women, we get the double whammy of menopause and hormones as we age. Hormones are the chemical messengers that control most body functions, from reproduction to hunger and also slowing down your metabolism, as well as being partially responsible for accumulating more fat, often around your waistline. So it’s important to have to tools to eat mindfully and not let your hormone-induced cravings dictate what you eat.

In the past giving up on a healthy diet may not have been a big deal but as you move into your 40’s those extra kilos are not only harder to budge but they are significantly affecting your health. Cognitive-behavioural treatment deals with thinking patterns and behaviour, such as bad eating choices and can help us develop mindful eating practices and get rid of bad dietary habits. It’s a great way to develop some healthy weight loss strategies and deal with those self-defeating thoughts and self-sabotaging actions.

That’s a Wrap!

…a protein loaded, iron-infused, high fibre wrap, of course, consumed right before that body bar class.

Populations are ageing and happily, we’re living longer so it’s definitely time to shift the way we think about getting older and how we deal with that process. There’s never been a better time to be a woman past the age of 40 and we want to look good doing it. So, whether you book yourself into a vegan yoga retreat or join the gym with a group of friends who are looking to achieve the same weight loss goals as you, just remember to eat mindfully, workout safely, oh and keep drinking that cup of coffee because it gives your metabolism the morning boost it needs.

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