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5 Signs That You Have An Addictive Personality (And What To Do About It)

An Addictive Personality

When most people think of someone with an addictive personality, they often think about gambling, drugs, and alcohol being at the root of the addiction. But for someone with addictive personality traits, they can take anything to the extreme.

An addictive person even takes healthy activities such as exercising, dieting, and working to the extreme. While having an addictive personality doesn’t necessarily mean you will become an addict, it’s helpful to recognize the signs.

If you’re worried you or someone exhibits signs of an addictive personality, keep reading. We’re sharing with you five signs to watch out for.

An Addictive Personality Often Craves Excitement

While there’s no one right way to define addictive personality, someone who pushes the envelope just a little too far and loves living on the edge often struggles with addiction.

They may drive faster than necessary, pursue extreme sports, and use illegal substances. They do these activities because of the huge rush they feel as they put their lives in jeopardy.

That rush is dopamine hitting their brain which makes them feel pleasure. And, like someone addicted to drugs for that high feeling, once they get used to that rush of dopamine, they keep craving that same rush more and more.

It Becomes Difficult to Stop Certain Behaviors or Medications

If you have a vice and you’ve tried to quit but can’t, it’s a good indication you have an addictive personality. And if you realize that the behavior or substance causes problems with friends, family, and your work, it’s an even bigger problem.

Maybe you feel you “need” to get in a 2-hour workout every day, but you miss out on family time. Or you shop on days you don’t feel great so you spend money on clothes you never wear.

These habits aren’t helping you have healthy relationships with yourself or the ones around you. And it’s a sign you need help.

Neverending Stress and Anxiety

While constant stress and anxiety are addictive personality traits, not everyone who experiences anxiety is at risk. However, when you do have an addictive personality, it’s impossible not to feel a lot of stress and anxiety.

It’s hard not to feel guilty about your destructive habits. You may feel disappointment and anger directed at you by others.

However, getting help is a good way to tackle negative emotions in a healthy, safe environment.

Often, getting help so you can discover your triggers and change your environment works wonders. This website can help you find the answers you’re seeking.

You’re Not Bothered by the Consequences of Reckless Behaviors

One of the biggest signs of an addictive personality is that they very rarely take into account the consequences their risky behaviors has on their wellbeing. In fact, many don’t care at all if their activities cause them harm.

They actually find the thought of something possibly going wrong exciting. And it leads them to continue taking on riskier behaviors until something stops them.

Poor Self-Worth and Negative Mood Swings

Those struggling with addictive personality disorder also suffer from a poor sense of self-worth. And they have a penchant for mood swings.

Part of the reason for the mood swings is that once the high is gone, they’re left dealing with the ramifications of their destructive behaviors.

Get Help

If you or someone you love has an addictive personality, it’s time to get help. Find a professional you like and trust to help you work on your issues.

And keep learning. We want to inspire women to live their best lives. Our articles have tons of tips and tricks to staying healthier and happier. Get started by clicking here to learn a few methods to help you de-stress.

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