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9 Tips for Upgrading Your Wardrobe This New Year

9 Tips for Upgrading Your Wardrobe This New Year

Many people see the new year as the ideal time to refresh their wardrobes and debut a new look. If you haven’t gone through your closet in a while—or you’ve never gone through it at all—then it’s definitely time to reconsider your clothes. If you’re looking to seriously upgrade your wardrobe and invest in quality women’s clothing in the new year, here are the nine step you’ll need to take

Seek Out Inspiration.

The first step to upgrading your wardrobe is knowing what you want it to look like. To inspire yourself, search on Pinterest and Instagram to see what other people are wearing and what resonates with you. If you already have some celebrities or fashion bloggers that you like, use them as a starting point to explore related accounts. If you can’t think of specific people, try searching for general looks, such as monochromatic or floral and feminine. With a bit of looking, you will undoubtedly find some fashion lovers with the same aesthetic as you.

Figure Out What Looks you Like.

Once you’ve compiled all your inspiration icons—perhaps on a dedicated Pinterest board?—it’s time to put on your thinking hat. Review all your images and see if there are common themes and color schemes that emerge. For instance, you might pin a lot of pictures of oversized button ups and boyfriend jeans, or tailored pant suits in unusual jewel tones. In other cases, your aesthetic might be more of an overall vibe rather than specific pieces. Once you have identified what makes up your ideal look, it’s time to move onto the next steps.

Take Stock of Your Closet.

Once you know what look you are trying to achieve, you need to evaluate your closet with that in mind. On your first pass, take out everything that doesn’t fit or is damaged, as well as items that you simply don’t wear anymore. If some of them are sentimental, find another place to store them, or consider turning them into a keepsake item, such as a t-shirt quilt. On your second pass through your closet, you should evaluate the remaining items with an eye on your desired aesthetic. Your look will naturally change over time, so donate or sell pieces that simply aren’t “you” anymore.

Experiment With What You Have.

However, before you get rid of anything, you should make sure that you’ve given it a fair chance. In fact, this goes for everything in your closet! Take each piece and try to build as many outfits as possible around it. Experiment with different ways you can wear each garment. For example, a button up shirt can be worn by itself and under a sweater. You might be surprised at how many different outfits you can put together with the clothes you already own.

Determine What Pieces you Need.

Now that you’ve assessed your whole closet and built out some new looks, it’s time to determine what pieces are missing. You might be tempted to go buy a bunch of items at once and fill up that closet that you just emptied. Try to fight that urge and, instead, focus on buying just a few premium essential items and building up your closet over time. As you wear what’s in your closet, you’ll get a better sense of what pieces you reach for the most so you can seek out similar items.

Consider a Capsule Wardrobe.

What is a capsule wardrobe? We’re glad you asked. A capsule wardrobe is a small collection of essential pieces that come in timeless styles and can be worn multiple ways. For maximum versatility, people usually choose garments in whites, blacks, navys and other neutral colors. Pay attention to which pieces you wear the most and buy duplicates of those in different colors. A capsule wardrobe eschews cheap fast fashion trends in favor of well-made pieces that you have to replace less often.

Invest in Some High Quality Undergarments.

Undergarments are the literal foundation of your look, which is why it’s so important to buy high-quality items. If you’re been buying cheap bras and underwear because “no one sees them,” then make a New Year’s resolution to invest in premium underwear that fits you well and lasts for years. If you’ve never properly measured yourself for a bra, then that should definitely be another goal for yourself. And if you’ve been looking to get a smoother silhouette under your clothes, looking into some shapewear might be just the ticket.

Try Thrifting for Clothes.

If looking for a more sustainable and affordable way to add high quality pieces to your wardrobe, thrifting is an excellent idea. Shopping for your clothes at secondhand stores or websites means that you will be able to find truly unique pieces that you won’t get at a regular store. Plus, it means that a pre-loved garment gets a new lease on life through your closet instead of getting dumped into a landfill where it won’t break down. If you’ve never thrifted for clothes before, you might be surprised at the truly awesome items you can find.

Keep Your Look Fresh.

Your style may change over time, and you might find yourself tiring of certain pieces that you once loved or wanting to incorporate new pieces into your look. Evaluate your wardrobe on a semi-regular basis to make sure that your clothes still reflect your desired aesthetic. However, you might not need a whole refresh for quite some time—getting just one or two new versatile pieces can result in dozens of new outfit possibilities. Buy clothes deliberately rather than for the sake of buying new stuff and you’ll slowly build a wardrobe that you keep loving.

Upgrading your wardrobe takes some work and planning, but it’s so worth it. Follow these nine steps to build the wardrobe of your dreams in the new year.

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